What We Do
Educating, Inspiring and Creating Change through the arts
Programa DAME: Drama, Artes, Media no Edukasaun / DAME Program: Drama, Arts, Media and Education.
Creating a Pathway to Ending Domestic and Gender-Based Violence
Dalan ba Justisa/Pathway to Justice Program
Changing the Lives of Vulnerable Children
Inisiativa Dezenvolvimentu Ba Labarik / The Early Childhood Development Initiative
Creating Quality Learning Environments for Young People
Challenge Most children in Timor-Leste do not have access quality non-violent education which hinders their social and economic advancement. With your support Ba Futuru, a local NGO, can bring quality education to many more young people. Solution Ba Futuru has been carrying out transformative work with teachers and school management committees. This work has turned […]
Breaking the Cycle of Violence
Inisiativa Konsolidasaun Dame no Demokrasia / Consolidating Peace and Democracy Initiative
Motivating the Youth of Today
Konfrensia lideransa joventude / PeaceJam Youth Leadership Conference
Promoting Responsible Parenting
Technical Assistance to Design and Pilot a Parenting Programme – Phase II